This Is What ROI Looks Like
Creative Direction / Art Direction
[ Challenge ]
Nielsen's Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) is known within the advertiser/agency world, but they don't know why they need it.
[ Objective ]
Develop an upper funnel digital campaign to promote DAR to advertisers and agencies in the US. Educate the buy side of the media world about why they need DAR.
[ Insight ]
Working hard on a campaign that becomes successful—reaching your ROI—can bring a wide range of emotions: elation, relief, satisfaction.
[ Idea ]
This is what ROI looks like
[ Execution ]
Focus on that final moment of the process that isn’t currently associated with ROI. By mirroring the emotions of advertisers in their customers as they receive products, we inspire the feeling of success in our viewers, as well as the image of success.
Video Ad
Static Ads

Content Piece

Creative Director: Hugo Burton
Art Director: MeiLing Lu
Copywriter: Vanessa Machir
Video Editor: Natalie Palumbo
Graphic Designer: Ivan Sandoval, Ady Chang
Content Creator: Avery Driggers
Project Manager: Josie Hines